about us

Our founders are incredibly passionate about delivering innovations that support a balanced lifestyle - Vital Zing was born out of a frustration with sugar, preservatives, artificial colour and additive laden products.

We were shocked when we uncovered a few disturbing ingredients that can be found in a lot of mainstream products, including big brand drinks. So we set out to make a range of healthier alternatives without damaging & unnecessary ingredients.

We were instantly intrigued by water, milk and flavour enhancers and loved the concept but struggled to find a range that used natural ingredients with no nasty preservatives, sugars, colours and carbs. So we decided to make something better!

In late 2014 we developed the Vital Zing “Water Drops” range of water/flavour enhancers using natural ingredients with crisp real fruit flavours. A natural product with no sugar, preservatives, carbs, colours or artificial ingredients. It's also the most cost effective way to flavour water on the market.

In 2016 off the success of Water Drops we also developed Milk Drops adding flavour to milks (soy, coconut, almond, dairy etc), natural yoghurts, custards, icings and creams while also remaining natural product without sugar, preservatives, carbs or artificial ingredients. 

Since launching in 2014 Vital Zing products can now be purchased in New Zealand, China, Australia, the USA and Japan. We are working hard to continuously develop products that fall within our core philosophy: Results based without the bad stuff!

Vital Zing's success is a collaboration of an incredibly forward thinking team and an amazing bunch of supporters who continue to provide the feedback we love to continue progressing in the right direction.

Our policies

Shipping, returns & privacy - here's what you need to know

Our target delivery date is within 2 - 3 working days.

An order confirmation will be forwarded to the contact details you provided once your order has been placed. A DHL Express tracking number will follow once your order has been packed and placed on the courier. be supplied once you have placed your order

If you have any questions please call us on +64 9 601 8306 or email sales@vitalzing.com. 

If an order is not received or if an item is received and it is either damaged or faulty, a return claim MUST be filed with Vital Zing International Limited within 30 days from date of despatch of goods. Contact us with details of your claim. The following options will be made available:

  • Replacement: If a replacement is required it will be sent immediately subject to availability, at no charge.
  • Credit: If a credit is required, the appropriate Vital Zing International Limited account will be credited to the amount of the transaction, in the currency at the time of purchase.
  • Refund: If a refund is required, it will be provided according to the original payment (i.e. if payment was made on Visa, the visa will be credited. If the item was purchased with a Gift Certificate the customer Gift Certificate account will be credited).

Your privacy is very important to Vital Zing International Limited. With that in mind, we have established and implemented information handling practices that we believe are consistent with the highest standards and best practices of organizations doing business on the Internet.

This privacy policy describes the practices that apply to our site, including, specifically, the information we collect about you, when and how we collect that information and what may happen to that information.

  • We will not collect personally identifiable information like your name, e-mail and mailing address and telephone number (“Personal Information”) without your knowledge and permission;
  • We will not disclose your personal information to third parties unless you have authorized us to do so;
  • We will take reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal Information we collect from you.

YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION: Vital Zing International Limited does not collect personally identifiable information on our website, such as your name, address, e-mail address or telephone number, without your knowledge. Such information is collected only when you knowingly and voluntarily submit it to us (as, for example, when you contact us via e-mail). Vital Zing International Limited uses such voluntarily submitted information for the purposes for which it was submitted. The personal information you submit when placing your order is treated as confidential. We use this information to process your transaction, and we share the information with Visa, Mastercard in order to process your order.

SECURITY: Vital Zing International Limited takes the security of your information seriously. Our online shop uses ASB Merchant Services and Paystation Payment gateway. Your credit card information is not stored with Vital Zing and is processesed securely with a third party PCI compliant payment processing service from Paystation New Zealand. Your Credit Card will display Vital Zing Int as the seller.

This Statement outlines the terms and conditions governing all sales and purchases made through this website, regardless of whether the order was transmitted via the internet, telephone/fax or post. By accessing, browsing and/or using this site you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these terms and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree with these terms, do not use this site.

Some products available on this site may be restricted in your country. It is your responsibility to comply with such restrictions. Any Vital Zing International Limited account is to be used only by the person registered for that particular account. All information provided on registration must be true and accurate. False information provided on registration is considered fraud. The account holder is responsible for ensuring that their account details remain confidential, and that access to their computer remains restricted to prevent others from gaining access to their account. The account holder accepts responsibility for all activities which occur under their account. Vital Zing International Limited reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, or cancel orders at any time and will not be held responsible for fraudulent information.

All prices quoted are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Vital Zing International Limited. All prices are quoted in New Zealand Dollars (NZD) unless otherwise specified. Vital Zing International Limited reserves the right to reject any orders which include incorrect prices which may occur due to data entry errors, code errors, hacking, incorrect pricing provided by manufacturer, translation errors etc. Prices are not negotiable and unless marked otherwise, do not include postage and handling. Postage and handling costs are calculated and added separately.

Payment options provided by Vital Zing International Limited are Visa, MasterCard. Your credit card will be billed when you confirm your order. This purchase will be listed as VitalZing on your statement.

If an order is not received or if an item is received and it is either damaged or faulty, a return claim MUST be filed with Vital Zing International Limited within 30 days from date of despatch of goods. Contact us with details of your claim. The following options will be made available:

  • Replacement: If a replacement is required it will be sent immediately subject to availability, at no charge.
  • Credit: If a credit is required, the appropriate Vital Zing International Limited account will be credited to the amount of the transaction, in the currency at the time of purchase.
  • Refund: If a refund is required, it will be provided according to the original payment (i.e. if payment was made on Visa, the visa will be credited. If the item was purchased with a Gift Certificate the customer Gift Certificate account will be credited).

Access to the Vital Zing International Limited website is granted only for the purpose of accessing the services provided. Under no circumstances may any individual alter any part of the website or try to access it other than through a web browser for the purposes of obtaining information or purchasing product. No part of this site may be reproduced for any reason, nor may any parts of the site be displayed anywhere else using frames or other html manipulation process unless written permission has been granted by Vital Zing International Limited. This includes logos, trademarks, or registrations. 

The information accessed through this web site is to inform you on our range of products and their use Vital Zing International Limited does not engage in offering professional medical or health advice. The information accessed through this web site is not intended to be complete or to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. If you have a health problem Vital Zing International Limited has taken care to assemble information useful to you on this web site from its own and third party sources. Nevertheless, to the extent permitted by law, Vital Zing International Limited will not be liable in any way for information displayed on or obtained through this web site and, in particular, Vital Zing International Limited will not be liable for special, indirect or consequential damages arising out of that information no matter how they arise.